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Flipsy Car And Ramp - littlelightcollective
Flipsy Car And Ramp - littlelightcollective
Flipsy Car And Ramp - littlelightcollective
Flipsy Car And Ramp - littlelightcollective

Flipsy Car And Ramp

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This car is sure to delight. Roll the car down the ramp and watch it flip. Includes light car with dark stripe and light-colored ramp. (See videos page for a demonstration) Your Choice of Mini or Large

Mini  Car: L 2" , W 1.75", H 1.25" , Ramp: L 3.5" , W 1.75", H 1.5"

Large Car: L 2" , W 2", H 2" , Ramp: L 8" , W 3", H 3"

Made in the United States of America