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Nursery Times Crinkly Newspaper - Gnomes and Fairies - littlelightcollective
Nursery Times Crinkly Newspaper - Gnomes and Fairies - littlelightcollective
Nursery Times Crinkly Newspaper - Gnomes and Fairies - littlelightcollective
Nursery Times Crinkly Newspaper - Gnomes and Fairies - littlelightcollective

Nursery Times Crinkly Newspaper - Gnomes and Fairies

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Nursery Times Crinkly Newspaper. 6 illustrated pages, Gnomes and Fairies in a Magical Garden with rhyming text. UKCA/CE tested and machine washable. A practical, lightweight cloth book with crinkly pages. A great sensory toy. A unique gift. Packed in a card pop envelope.