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Stacking Plush Toy - PINAKLE - littlelightcollective
Stacking Plush Toy - PINAKLE - littlelightcollective
Stacking Plush Toy - PINAKLE - littlelightcollective
Stacking Plush Toy - PINAKLE - littlelightcollective
Stacking Plush Toy - PINAKLE - littlelightcollective
Stacking Plush Toy - PINAKLE - littlelightcollective

Stacking Plush Toy - PINAKLE

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Learn while having fun! Easy with this adorable little pastel bird straight out of our PINAKLE universe! Very soft and easy to grab, your little ones will enjoy stacking, assembling and disassembling the different parts of our plush friend without even realizing that they are developing their coordination  and fine motor skills. Cunning this little bird, isn't it?